홈으로 참여공간 bracket 커뮤니티(자조모임)신청 bracket 영어(신청서)


이주여성이 안전한 세상, 강원이주여성상담소입니다.

Name Contact

Date of birth  달력 Address

Country of origin  china         vietnam         Philipines         Combodia         ETC ( )

Confidentiality pledge

  • In accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, I solemnly pledge to keep the confidentiality of all related information including the person's personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act, which I learned at the participation meeting of the Gangwon Migrant Women's Counseling Center.

I am the person who enjoys the community world conducted at your counseling center. I would like to participate.

** The date of application is automatically entered. **

Applicant       (signature)

Gangwon Immigration Women's Counseling Center esquire