홈으로 참여공간 bracket 통ㆍ번역신청 bracket 영어(안내)


이주여성이 안전한 세상, 강원이주여성상담소입니다.

Interpretation/translation (send, reservation) information

  • Expand support for multilingual services in the public domain and relieve and support migrants' daily life inconvenience
  • Establish a multilingual system environment such as human resource development for companion counseling interpreters and translators in each field, such as medical care and counseling

Contents of interpretation and translation and support for activities

  • Hospital treatment
  • Sharing important information in everyday life
  • When sharing personal difficulties such as social welfare and counseling
  • In case of a case in public institutions such as the police station, court, or the Ministry of Labor

How to apply and inquiries

  • Appli-cation

    Pre-application for interpretation/
    translation services at the
    counseling center
    (Preparation of application
    for interpretation and
    translation service)
    Phone: 033-244-1366
    Fax: 033-244-9545
    E-mail: wmw2441366@naver.com

  • Acceptance

    Submit application to the
    counseling center
    Confirm with the client

  • Use

    In connection with interpreters and
    translators Use of service

  • Confir-mation

    Delivering confirmation of
    interpretation and translation
    (Preparation of Interpretation and
    Translation Service Confirmation)